Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Willis March Newsletter

Dear Partners in the Gospel,

Thank you for your prayers and gifts to our ministry! Tricia is feeling much better now and she is almost back to her daily self. She still has some discomfort in her lower back along with numbness in her legs, but overall she has made a good recovery. We thank the Lord for that and all of your prayers for her. I can look back on this as a time in my life when I really began to understand what it means to be a mother, a lot of hard work! As I had to step into many of Tricia’s roles while her back was healing, I learned to have more respect and sensitivity to all mothers everywhere for the job that they are doing raising children.

Since Tricia is doing much better, we were able to attend several missions conferences that we were invited to speak at. Pastors Tim and Danny of Grace Church in San Luis Obispo invited us to come and spend a week speaking to various Sunday School classes and Growth Groups during their missions week. We had a wonderful time connecting with many of you and having special meals together. Thank you for inviting us into your homes and praying for us. Also we want to thank Pastors Dave and Darrin Rusco of Paso Robles Bible Church for inviting our family to come to their first missions conference! We had a wonderful time sharing with you all and visiting with many of you while we were there. Thank you for the wonderful meals you made for us!

As Tricia and I get ready for some of the trips that I will be going on, we ask you to pray for us. There are still many people who are needed in order for the trips to have enough people to go. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will send laborers into his harvest. We still need about 15 people to go to Russia and Ukraine with us. If you would like to find out more information go to our website: isptrips.org and you will be able to click on the link to see all of our upcoming trips.

Part of our job is to speaking to people in the US and recruiting them to go on these trips. We need volunteers to go so that there will be enough people to help share the gospel with teachers and create long lasting friendships with them.

In the most recent trip to Guatemala, 448 teachers attended the Moral Ethics training! Here are some of their comments: “This is the best conference I have ever attended.” along with “I have heard about these conferences, but now I realized about the importance that my family is for me. I am sure I’ll use the curriculum with my students.” and “I am very thankful because I was invited to attend; please continue helping me. I will share and do all to work with my entire school in this project about values.”

Betty Harrington from Paso Robles Bible Church will be going to Ukraine during the month of March. She needs your prayers and encouragement. If any of you are interested in going to Ukraine with her or myself in the future, please let us know. Ron and Cyndie Hamley from Grace Church in SLO are also going to Guatemala in July. They will also need your prayers and encouragement. If anyone would like to go on that trip, you can contact me directly or talk with them and we can show you how to sign up for the trip.

Wade and Josh have been sick lately, so we ask for your prayers that God would heal them and protect them from further bouts with Bronchitis. Thank you again for all of your prayers for us and enabling us to be a part of this ministry.
Love, Bob, Tricia, Wade, and Josh!

Please make a note that our address has changed to:
PO Box 3104, Mission Viejo, CA 92690


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