Peterson's Prayer Guide - April 2008
If any of you needs wisdom – if you want to know what God wants you to do – ask Him and He will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. James 1:5
I’m memorizing James 1 at present, and this verse has been a great reminder to me at a time when we need wisdom with a number of important decisions.
Gary has been asked to consider joining another department at our Wycliffe office. Church Relations is getting a new beginning. They would like Gary to be available to speak to churches about Wycliffe and our work, not just locally, but in other parts of the US. He is very interested, as he loves that type of work and has done it in the past. His current job is mostly at the Orlando center, so has involved little travel, and he does miss that. He enjoys what he’s doing now, and there’s no doubt God is using him there too. Please pray for ears to hear God’s voice on this new possibility. He might be able to work part time in both departments for awhile, but the details are still being worked out.
Esther has only a month left of this college year, so is rather buried in big assignments at present. She received several unexpected scholarships and a gift towards her college expenses recently, so we are all praising the Lord for the way He is taking care of her needs. She hopes to work as a Resident Assistant next school year, so that will help with her fees too. She is still working through the options for the summer, so please keep her in your prayers for those plans and the purchase of airline tickets at a good price when we get to that stage.
On Thursday, March 27th Gary & Josiah began their road trip to visit 3 colleges: Columbia International University in SC, Liberty University and Patrick Henry in Virginia. They spent a night with the Gosses at the JAARS center along the way (for those of you who know them). On Wednesday Gary will drop Josiah off for a two day visit at Trinity College of Florida, where Esther is attending. Please pray for safety in their travels, discernment as they check out these possibilities, and a good time as father and son, brother and sister. Gary returns on Ap.2nd. I’ll go and pick Josiah up on Ap. 4th.
I (Robyn) had some health problems last month. I had the three H’s: hayfever, hives and heartburn. Gary and I both get hayfever each year about now. We’re told it’s the oak pollen that is at high levels right now. So we’re living with antihistamines each day to cope. The hives were something new for me. They hit suddenly last week and were a real nuisance, especially during the night. I’ve been to the doctor, and we can’t find a cause, so think they may be viral. Medication has helped. About the same time I also had heartburn for the first time, badly enough to wake me in the night and keep me from sleeping. So now I’m also on medication for that. It’s helping, but I’m not used to taking medicine and would really like to get off all of this. Pray for healing and praise God for doctors and medicine to help when we have stuff like this happen!
My mother got the results of her recent tests and nothing new was found. That is a relief, but still doesn’t help in finding the cause of some of her problems. Thanks for praying for her. It is hard to be so far away when she is dealing with serious health problems…
We enjoyed our various house guests in March. Please know that we’d love to have you stay if you’re ever in the area too.
Gary had a lot of fun at the car races. He got to do and see things he’s only seen on TV before, so it was a great time.
The various events on his schedule for March went well. I got to see him in action as he shared with 70 college students visiting Wycliffe last week. I think it was a real eye opener to them. It was great to see a number of them commit to praying for a Bible-less people group.
Last month Gary mentioned the big Children’s Missions Jamboree for the Central Florida Nazarene Churches. They expect 350 elementary kids and 100 adults for this all day event on Saturday, April 5th. Please keep him and the rest of their team in your prayers for that.
There isn’t a lot on Gary’s schedule for April so far. Maybe it will be a chance to get caught up on e-mail and work through things regarding the new position.
Thankful for your partnership in prayer, Robyn & Gary Peterson
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