Thursday, January 24, 2008

Missions Conference, January 27th - February 3rd

Sunday Morning Worship Services
8:00 , 9:30 & 11:00 am

Rev. Dana Ostby is our featured speaker at this year’s missions conference. Dana was a church planter and seminary student at the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Indonesia (ETSI) from 1984-1987. Dana returned to California in 1987, to marry Sue, a missionary to Thailand and a fellow Biola missions major. After completing masters degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Dana and Sue returned to Indonesia with OC International. Dana taught New Testament and missions on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Bali. Dana helped found the Indonesian National Research Network and JP23 missions network, now known as the Indonesian Peoples Network. Sue has been fighting a rare form of Parkinson’s Disease since 2004, when the Ostbys returned to the US. Today, Dana is a special assistant to the president of OC International and serves as part-time missions pastor at Grace Bible Church in Arroyo Grande. Dana and Sue have three missions savvy and surfboard crazy teenagers: Karis (17), Nicko (15), and Alisha (13).


Sunday, January 27th @5:30 pm, Ministry Center
Missions Dinner, $5/person, $20 max/family
Space is limited, Childcare provided after dinner (0-5 yrs.)

Monday, January 28th @6:30 pm, Ministry Center
Ladies Salad Supper w/ Ann & Esther Wright
Contact Debbi at 543-2358, ext. 118

Friday, February 1st @6:30 pm
Missions Movie Night - We will be showing the movie "Amazing Grace"
Rated PG, Munchies provided! Limited childcare available, contact Travis Hasson at 544-2682.

Growth Groups are open to all this week!
Come, enjoy a more intimate time with one or more of our missionaries. To ensure enough seating & for directions, please RSVP to the Growth Group host. Call the church office for more information re: Growth Group schedule.

Dr. Danny Martin, our Pastor of Vocation and Missions, will be speaking on February 3. He is founder and President Emeritus of Mission to Unreached Peoples in Seattle and Ambassador-at-Large for Tentmakers International, the tentmaking arm of the World Evangelical Alliance. Danny is continuing to serve last year’s speaker, Rev. Peter Xu, in the training and placement of Chinese missionaries who will serve as tentmakers throughout Asia as part of the Back to Jerusalem movement. Danny’s Ph.D is in Vocational Counseling and he has assisted thousands of believers in discerning God’s will in their lives. Danny spends 4-6 months per year in Asia, training and placing Asian missionaries.
So, please come join us for a fun week meeting our missionaries and seeing how God is working at Grace and Beyond.


At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya berdoa mas Dono Ostby diberkati dan menjadi berkat melalui pemberitaan injil (Mat.28:18-20) melengkapi umat (Eps.4:11-12) dan juga penting membawa perkataan kebenaran (Mat.5:37). Pdt. Jimmy P.S. Borneo Indonesia

At 2:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo, pak Dono masih ingat saya mahasiswa di STII. Saya doa untuk ibu Sue semoga cepat sembuh ya pak. Sukses terus di pelayanan. Peny widyowati - medan

At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear The Otsbys,

Sutarno's family send you greeting from Yogyakarta Indonesia. Pak Sutarno passed away a month ago. Pak Tarno asked me a way to contact you three months before he passed away. And now through this blog i brought his message to you. He was thanking you for every kindness you had given to our family. We Pray for ibu Sue. Our greetings for ibu Sue, Karis, Niko, and Alisha.

Mission Blog,
Thank you for giving me a space to write this message and forward this message to Rev. Dana Otsby. This blog has been blessed.

In Him,


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