Thursday, November 30, 2006

Peterson's Prayer Guide - December 2006

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Don’t forget to pray for us too, that God will give us many opportunities… Pray that we will proclaim His message as clearly as we should.” Col. 4:2-4

Thanks for your prayers regarding my US citizenship application. I found the document that I was missing and was able to finish and submit it on Nov. 10th. I especially want to thank the friends who offered to cover the cost of this. It is now completely paid for and we wait for the processing (possibly more than a year, we’re told). I’ll let you know when it’s all official!

We have appreciated the opportunity to talk to Esther by phone several times this past month. She should be back at the YWAM base in Corrientes (where she started) now, being debriefed and going through her graduation from the DTS. We are so grateful to all who have prayed for her during this time. God has done a lot in and through her! The whole team will travel south to Buenos Aires to attend a conference in early December. When that is over, she will spend a few days with new friends in that area before flying home (via Chicago!) on Dec.15-16th. We look forward to having her here for about 3 weeks before she begins college about 3 hours drive away on the Gulf coast of Florida. Please continue to keep her in prayer as she travels, says good bye to the friends she’s made down there, and then readjusts to life in the US. In light of her time there, she is re-thinking what courses she should take when she starts college. Please pray as she makes these major decisions.

Josiah really enjoyed the Truth Project training he attended ( All those who went through it were encouraged to choose a group of others to train to also teach this Christian worldview curriculum. He has quite a few people in mind to invite. Please pray that those God wants to do this would be available and make a serious commitment to participating.

Our newsletter hasn’t happened yet. It seems to have been a very busy month and we haven’t done anything on it since I last wrote to you. This coming week looks pretty full for me, but I would like to make a start on it and really work to get it finished and in the mail before Esther gets home.

We ended up spending Thanksgiving with some local friends and had a lovely time getting to know them better. I was able to pull some surprises on Gary for his birthday too, with the help of friends from our church. Attending an International Car Show in Orlando was part of the fun, and it seemed he really enjoyed it.

Gary already sent you some of the results of your prayers for his ministry opportunities. Thanks for your part in all of this! He also had a great response at the ACSI teacher’s conference last week. He has some follow-up to do now.

His schedule for the coming month is lighter.
Dec. 1st
He attends the Osceola County Chamber of Commerce breakfast. He’s still new to this and struggling to make contacts.
7th He will be sharing with a home-school group visiting the Wycliffe center.
10th He’ll be speaking in a missions class at another colleague’s church.
Pray that he can make some progress with the e-mail that has piled up. Pray for some more good opportunities in the community to tell people about Wordspring, and that some will come and visit. So far he hasn’t seen a lot of this fruit for his efforts (although it seems God has been using him in other ways he hadn’t expected!)

I am part of a parent support group for the students in Josiah’s school. I have taken on the responsibility of organizing the annual international potluck dinner for the students and their families on December 2nd. Please pray that I will do this well and it will be a good time of building relationships with other families. I’ve talked Gary into emceeing the event.

We look forward to welcoming Mom Peterson for two weeks with us over Christmas. Please pray for a safe flight for her on Dec. 19th, good health and a wonderful visit.

Each year we give a gift to our kid’s teachers and to our neighbors for Christmas. As we write the cards and go out to deliver these gifts, please pray that the love of Christ would shine through us and point people to Him and the real meaning of this special season.

Our small group completed a short DVD course on the HIV/ Aids crisis in Africa recently (along with other groups in the church). It stimulated a lot of discussion on what practical ways we could make a difference. We are writing a proposal for our pastor here and would love to see the ideas turn into something concrete that would make a lasting difference in this tragic situation. Please pray that we’ll be sensitive to God’s leading and obedient to what He shows us.

Gary has been invited to take part as a trainer in a Leadership Matters course next summer. He did the training himself about 7 years ago. It is put on by an organization called Intermission Training Alliance ( and there is a growing demand for it around the world. We are starting a fund for Gary’s travel for this. There are several possibilities of locations and details that need to be finalized in the months ahead. Please pray for this process, Gary’s preparation and the finances needed for the travel involved.

May the Lord bless you with His peace and joy as you celebrate again Immanuel, God with us.

Yours in His great love, Robyn for the Petersons


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