Peterson's Prayer Guide - July 2008
So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 1 Cor. 15:58 (NLT)
If you’re anything like us, you are praying for friends who are scattered across the globe on summer mission trips. Praise God with us for what He is doing in and through the Body of Christ – those who are going, and those who are praying, the long-term and the short-term. May each of us be strong and steady in the work He has given us to do.
Gary & I have just returned from a wonderful, little break, courtesy of some good friends who gave us the use of their condo up the coast a few hours. It was a true gift from the Lord as we enjoyed quiet, rest, and a beautiful part of Florida, walking, running, swimming and reading - just what the Doctor ordered!
From all we’ve heard, Esther is doing well with life on the dairy farm, enjoying the time with relatives, and working hard. So far she is keeping healthy, for which we thank God. We are excited that she has been able to see another aunt and two more cousins who flew across the country to spend 10 days on the farm. On July 19th she will celebrate her 20th birthday. We praise the Lord for our wonderful daughter! Please pray for her safe return as she travels from the 24-26th.
Josiah writes, “This last week I attended the Florida American Legion Boys State on the campus of Florida State University in the capital of Tallahassee. The program is designed to provide 11th grade boys a hands-on opportunity to learn about state and local government through classes, mock elections, and job enactments as well as providing participants with the history of the state coupled with tours of the historic sites of the capital and speeches from prominent state officials. I had the honor of being elected state senate chaplain the first day and presided over the prayers and mediations for the rest of the week for the whole assemble. I thank God for the opportunity and all that I learned through the experience! Though I am still unsure of whether I want to pursue politics in the future, the things I learned will help me to be a more aware and active citizen.” Thanks for praying for our son!
Gary made it to the international Perspectives conference in Dallas, TX. It was a who’s who in missions! Some were his favorite Perspective course authors. He was like a kid in a candy store – and it was all non-fattening! He came home VERY inspired, encouraged, challenged and motivated to do better. He’s already seen a positive impact from it in his work.
God gave many more strategic opportunities for Gary at Wordspring in June. The time with the university students from Campus Outreach Ministries was beyond everyone’s expectations, including theirs! Over half of the 132 who came made a commitment to pray for a Bibleless people group, and all of Gary’s staff had great conversations with students. The leaders told him that many of the students from last years visit have already changed their majors to prepare for missions. They were sure many would do so out of this group as well. We credit your prayers for the powerful work God is doing in their hearts.
Gary’s July schedule. Remember to pray also for the unexpected visitors.
1st Sharing with a church youth group visiting our headquarters and helping on a work project.
3rd Special tour and talk for a Korean American youth group from Virginia visiting with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). We have three other youth groups visiting this day that my colleagues will have to do because I am already committed to this group.
7th I will be the missionary speaker for our “Face to Face” program – a program run Monday – Friday where visitors hear from various Wycliffe missionaries and have a question and answer time. Numbers can vary from a couple of people to over 40. Recently I had a standing room only crowd, but it’s usually around 10.
8th I will do the 10am tour – filling in while our regular guides are on vacation or away on business.
10th & 11th Special tour and talk for youth group from New York. 60 students + leaders divided so we have 30 each day.
12th Special all day program for 178 university students, 20 leaders and 5 children with the Navigators. This is the 4th year this group has come to visit, and there are about twice as many coming as we’ve had in the past. They are one of the most interested and committed group of students we have visit every year. It will take a lot of staff and creative planning to make this a special day for them. If the response is anything like it was with Campus Outreach, it will be an incredible day.
14th I will cover as receptionist for WordSpring in the afternoon so the staff can have a meeting.
18th and 23rd.I do the Face to Face presentation.
28th – August 1st the Petersons will be on VACATION!!!!
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