Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jen Peet - Investing Well

I can’t believe it is already spring quarter 2008!!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20

It’s midnight on Monday night, the first night of the quarter and to be honest, I am exhausted, but what an amazing day and start to Spring Quarter! It began at 9pm with over 75 students showing up to prayer walk through Isla Vista. We broke up into smaller groups and covered every house with prayer. We prayed against the bonds of sin and addiction and, along with many other things, we prayed that students would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to make the most of their college years. We then prayer walked through campus and met in the middle and spent over an hour worshipping together. And then to top it off, we went out to the beach and over 10 students were baptized. Yes, it was freezing, but no one cared. We didn’t want to be anywhere other than proclaiming the name of JESUS together! And the amazing part about all of this is that it was not really planned. On Sunday. my co-leader, Ken, knew the Lord wanted us to start the Quarter by praying and giving it over to the Lord. So the word got out and students came! As I walked through Isla Vista, then worshipped and then watched students make a public confession of faith, I felt so humbled and blessed. Even though it was a long day, I felt the Lord continuing to remind me of what it means to invest my life well and to be faithful with what HE has entrusted me with. There is no more satisfaction than investing in eternity and in what matters. And to be honest there are times when this doesn’t come natural (many times!) and my cry to the Lord lately has been, not my will JESUS, but YOURS!

Please Pray!
Going along with the theme of investing my life well and being faithful with what the Lord has entrusted me with is the fact that I have a lot on my plate. I want to end this year well with the girls I lead, my staff team, & my roommates, while also preparing well for my trip to the Middle East this summer! And none of this will happen if I am not fully relying on the Lord. Please pray that I would continually be laying my entire life in the Lords hands.

Reaching Every Student
The mission of Campus Crusade for Christ is to give EVERY student an opportunity to know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. As we have been thinking and praying about what this means for UCSB we are noticing that we are not reaching ALL of them. UCSB has over 20% Latino students and currently there is no place on campus for them to learn about God or grow in their relationship with him. Next Sunday, April 13th, we are partnering with a Latino Church and hosting a BBQ where we will share our heart of wanting to create a safe place for Latino’s to learn about Jesus. Would you begin praying now that the Lord would bring the students he wants there? Pray that HE would raise up a movement of students from the Latino community to reach other Latino students!


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