Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Greetings dear friends.

The month of June has certainly been a great time for us. We celebrated the birth of our first grandchild, Colton, born to Christine and Bryan. Actually, Colton was born May 10, but Kathy flew back to Bloomington, Illinois to spend time learning how to be a grandma and returned June 14. We celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary on the 16th. We have completed 33 years of ministry with American Missionary Fellowship on June 1st. We completed two years leading the church at Parkhill as of June 15th. And we anticipate the marriage of our son, David, on July 4th, completing a round of family milestones.

The Sunday school teacher at Guadalupe Community Church reported that another child received Christ earlier this year. The Hispanic children who attend have become little missionaries, inviting their friends to come. The entire church basement has become a large classroom for Terrie Wilson, whose loving dedication to the Lord and to them is evident to these precious ones. Pray for this small assembly as they grow in grace.

Parkhill Community Church will host the local CDF for a BBQ outreach June 22nd.

We are once again at “crunch time” for Camp Challenge. There are only a couple of staff slots left to fill. Last year saw our largest attendance since 1985 when the Las Palitas fire burned the facility to the ground. A junior high group from Nevada will be returning for the fun (the wife of the young couple in charge of the youth attended Camp Challenge as a girl and recollects the fun
that she had, and the change it brought).

Camp staff who got/are getting married since last year includes Joel Topping to Emily Mittel, Josh York to Stephanie Mittel, Alie Sparrow to Zack Heinrich, David Lidbeck to Brandy Noice, and Johnny Power to Becca Shepard. This represents a LOT of leadership, half of whom will be ministering with us again this summer.

Pray for fruit for the upcoming camps beginning July 14 and ending August 2. We are speaking to the issue of the return of Jesus Christ.

Celebrating the completion of 33 years of ministry on the Central California Coast between Los Angeles and Salinas, Wayne & Kathy proudly hold a plaque awarded by Rinconada Country Church.

Have a great summer.
Wayne & Kathy Lidbeck
American Missionary Fellowship
Box 370, Villanova, PA 19085
Regional Director: Lance Eisele 559-734-0954


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