Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nadolski Prayer letter

Pray for John Nadolski on his Living Water trip to Ghana, West Africa:

I ask for your prayers. Please remember to pray for me on the dates below (or others), and I will be praying for you, too.

Recent rains in Ghana has caused severe flooding and this flooding has contaminated many of the wells and damaged many of the hand pumps. Pastor David Donkor, LWI’s partner in central Ghana, has asked LWI to help repair these wells. John is going to Ghana to develop a plan of action to get the work completed.

Specific prayer needs:

- As always, pray for Marcia.

- We will be working in northern Ghana, an area dominated by Muslim and animistic people. John has been asked to preach. It’s a humbling and exciting opportunity to share the love of Jesus in word and deed.

- According to the report from David Donkor, there are over 100 wells that need repair. Please pray that God will provide the funds and people to repair these wells.

10/26 John leaves Houston and flies to Accra, Ghana
10/27 Arrive in Accra in the evening. The team will travel a couple of hours before settling in for the night.
10/28 Church, worship, rest and site seeing.
10/29 Make arrangement to travel to northern district.
10/30 Drive to northern Ghana, seven hour drive
10/31 – 11/3 Meet with minister and district chiefs to learn how to work with government teams to fix the wells and hand pumps.
11/4 Church, worship, rest, and site seeing.
11/5 – 11/9 Work with LWI crew to repair some of the wells/hand pumps.
11/10 Return to Accra, nine hour drive
11/11 Church, worshi and site seeing.
11/12 Arrive home in Houston


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