Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Africa Bound - John Nadolski

It’s been a while since we’ve sent an update and prayer request. Thank you to all that have been praying for us on a regular basis - and to all that you pray on a less regular basis.

At the end of February, John was in California at the mission’s conference for Grace Church of San Luis Obispo. People asked John if he was going to Kenya. At the time, the answer was ‘No’, but a lot of things changed when John got back to Living Water International. You guessed it. On March 16th, John is heading to Kenya and he’ll be gone for about three weeks, working on water projects in western and northern Kenya. It means a lot to us to have your prayers on this trip. (see schedule below and pray for him each day)

We plan to send out an update about the family. The local school district is on Spring Break this week so Marcia isn’t working this week. Feel free to send us your prayer requests and we’ll be glad to pray for you, too.

God bless you and may He keep you safe in the palm of His hands,

John and Marcia

Living Water International trip to Kenya, East Africa (schedule below). I ask for your prayers. Please remember to pray for me on these days (or others), and I will be praying for you, too. Specific prayer needs:

- As always, pray for Marcia. John will be away for several weeks and Marcia normally
doesn’t sleep well when he is gone.
- There’s some friction between the different partners and this friction may lead to better
working relationships or worse problems. Pray that the Holy Spirit work on the hearts of those involved and that they respond wisely, through Christ.
- John will be working in two different areas: by western Kenya by Lake Victoria and in
northern Kenya by Ethiopia. Pray for spiritual growth of the Kenyan teams.

3/16 John leaves Houston and flies to Nairobi
3/17 Arrive in Nairobi, late at night
3/18 Church, worship, rest, and site seeing.
3/19 John meets with partners in Nairobi to discuss some problem areas.
3/20 Meeting in Kisumu (by Lake Victoria) with World Vision, CARE, and others.
3/21-3/24 Survey area and meet with school leaders involved with next round of drilling.
3/25 Church, worship, rest, and site seeing.
3/26 – 3/31 Work with partner in Marsabit to build water tanks and water dams – to help spread out water supply and stabilize grazing pressure.
4/1 Church, worship, rest, and site seeing.
4/2 Return to Nairobi and meet with government officials and other partners.
4/5 Fly from Nairobi to Houston
4/6 John arrives home.


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