Thursday, July 27, 2006

Esther Peterson update

Hi everybody! Sorry it´s been a while. It´s tough to get time at the internet. God is continuing to bless me here. My birthday was on July 19th and it was so much fun to have it on the YWAM base. The girls in my room kicked me out the night before and in the morning after breakfast. When they let me in the had made this big card for me ( written mostly in Spanish, which I haven´t gotten all translated yet) and they all had these little gifts for me. I had happy birthday and feliz cuplianos sung for me a couple times by all the group. And I got to have a long talk on the phone with my parents. Thank you to all you send letters and e-mails. I haven´t had time to finish reading them all yet, which is nice because it makes my birthday go on and on!

We´re learning a lot about ourselves in our classes, and as they say here, with greater light comes greater responsibility, so hopefully I´ll come home with a lot of things worked out. In the morning we have an hour for our quiet times. I´ve found a great spot for mine where I watch the sun come up. It´s really special. I also have my own leader discipling me, who is Nicole, the girl who e-mailed me when I first wrote the base here, and I can go to her any time about anything, which is really cool. Speaking of anytime, my time just ran out so I´ll have to stop there for now and write more later. Thank you guys all so much for your care and prayers. Esther

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The first picture is me with my host sister
on the right and Areseli, the English student,
on the left in front of the Corrientes River at night.

The second is me with my
host parents, a pastor and ¨pastora¨.

The last two are in the room I share with seven other girls at YWAM. I have the top bunk on the far wall.

Hope you enjoyed a small glimps into my life. I appreciate you all! Esther

Friday, July 14, 2006

Nadolski - Borehole in Kenya

Dear Friends and Family,

Over the last week or so, I've asked for prayers concerning a well in Kenya. I was only able to send the prayer request to about 1/2 of our friends because I didn't have much time on the internet in Kenya. So, if this is new to you, don't worry. It will be new to others, too.

Living Water International was trying to have a well drilled for a primary school in the Rift Valley (Enkeneryian Primary School). It's a difficult site and the need for water is great.

The geologist said that there was good potential for water at less than 160 meters (about 500 feet). The first prayer request was to have water at the school, but they drilled to 238 meters (about 900 feet) and never found water. On top of that, the hole caved in, trapping the drill pipe and bit. The second prayer request was that the drillers could retrieve their equipment.

A lot of you were praying, and I was praying, too. To make a long-story short, the driller retrieved the drill pipe and bit by midnight on Saturday. (Praise the Lord).

We still don't have water for the school - so, please keep praying for a supply of safe, clean water for this school/town.

As for Marcia and me, we're both back in Houston and we're both healthy. Thanks so much for all your prayers.

Remember, God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

John (and Marcia)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Petersons' Prayer Guide - July 2006

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving: go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and bless his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.” Psalm 100: 4-5

We have seen God’s faithfulness to our family in lovely ways this past month. Our time in California with Gary’s home church was just wonderful! The 75th anniversary events were so well planned, and we saw many friends both then and in the 2 weeks we had in the area and on our trip home. We feel so rich with the friendships God has given us! It was great to be able to stay with Mom and share time with her too.

Our house sitter fell through the day before we were to leave on our trip, but God provided some neighbors who looked after things for us and appreciated a place to overflow to.

Our little Honda ended up breaking down 3 times, but we were kept safe, and could see God’s goodness in the details. We were grateful to have AAA membership as we had to get towed to a mechanic for help each time. Now that we’re home, the alternator has also died. We’re thinking it’s time to replace this car rather than keep putting $ into it with its very high mileage. We really need two vehicles at this stage of our lives, but we don’t have money saved up to purchase a replacement. Pray for wisdom in what to do.

Esther had a great time at camp when we returned to Florida, and was able to fly out to Argentina on the 25th. God provided her airfare with frequent flier miles and a donation from a friend. She has arrived at her destination and is staying with a local family for cultural orientation until her course starts on July 4th. If you’d like to receive her e-mail updates, let her know at: We are grateful for your prayers for her (and us!) in this time of transition. (Her 18th birthday is on July 19th.)

Josiah has also got the mission bug and has signed up to go with our church here on a 10 day medical/construction team to Ecuador from July 14-24th. He looks forward to using his Spanish to help as an interpreter and interacting with the people as they wait for medical attention. Let us know if you’d like to receive the team’s updates while they’re down there. Josiah is taking Algebra II on line this summer and is working at odd jobs to help raise $ for his mission trip.

Gary will be returning to the office soon. He is considering a role that will have him sharing with visitors to the Wycliffe Discovery Center as well as connecting with churches, Christian schools and organizations throughout Florida. We’ll let you know more in the future. Pray for God’s leading as to where he can best be used. In mid July he’ll be sharing with two different YWAM groups and a large group of Navigator leaders who will be visiting the Wycliffe office.

I (Robyn) am busy getting caught up after the rush to get Esther off, and being away for almost 4 weeks. We are tired, emotionally and physically, but glad to be home. Pray that we’ll get caught up with things and be refreshed as we prepare for the new school year and our busy schedules resume. Pray too for wisdom as we evaluate our ministry commitments for the coming year.

Blessings on each of you, our wonderful prayer team!