Friday, July 14, 2006

Nadolski - Borehole in Kenya

Dear Friends and Family,

Over the last week or so, I've asked for prayers concerning a well in Kenya. I was only able to send the prayer request to about 1/2 of our friends because I didn't have much time on the internet in Kenya. So, if this is new to you, don't worry. It will be new to others, too.

Living Water International was trying to have a well drilled for a primary school in the Rift Valley (Enkeneryian Primary School). It's a difficult site and the need for water is great.

The geologist said that there was good potential for water at less than 160 meters (about 500 feet). The first prayer request was to have water at the school, but they drilled to 238 meters (about 900 feet) and never found water. On top of that, the hole caved in, trapping the drill pipe and bit. The second prayer request was that the drillers could retrieve their equipment.

A lot of you were praying, and I was praying, too. To make a long-story short, the driller retrieved the drill pipe and bit by midnight on Saturday. (Praise the Lord).

We still don't have water for the school - so, please keep praying for a supply of safe, clean water for this school/town.

As for Marcia and me, we're both back in Houston and we're both healthy. Thanks so much for all your prayers.

Remember, God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

John (and Marcia)


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