John Dudeck's trip
As you may remember, I took a short trip to Europe October 16 - 27. The trip
went well and was very encouraging. Here are the main things to report.
- The LaClef ministry ( was the first part of the trip. Four
of us visited three possible churches in southwest France where we might do
an evangelistic musical tour in 2006 (or 2007, depending on finances). We
also met with the pastors of the churches we were involved with in 2004, and
were encouraged to find that the Lord used us in a real way in the planting
of the new church in Carcassonne, which is now established and growing.
- I was able to spend time with our friends Bill and Nancy Henry in Geneva.
They have been there a few months, working with the Geneva Bible Society in
their Bible store. They are going through classic culture shock, and I think
I was able to give them some needed encouragement. They are living and
working in an incredibly historic and beautiful city, and have tremendous
- I met with some people that I am doing a project with to create a web
site ( that has the archives of a French Bible study
magazine. We were able to make some good progress.
- I met with the Geneva Bible Society to discuss further the possibility of
our working with them in French-speaking Europe. I have a much better
picture of the work that I could possibly do. But we are at an impass over
whether to be based in France or Switzerland. There are significant
obstacles in either scenario. So we are laying it before the Lord and
waiting to see how He moves.
- I stocked up on Swiss chocolate!
Prayer requests.
1. Pray with us for the ministry of La Clef. Our desire is to take a group
of French-speaking Canadian young musicians to France to minister to two
small churches. We want to do this in June 2006. But we have significant
financial needs that must be met within the next six months if we are to do
this in 2006. If not, we will try to plan our next tour for 2007.
2. Pray that the Lord will help La Clef to find a number of solid regular
financial supporters who have a heart for the French-speaking world.
3. Pray with us as a family as we seek to know the Lord's will for our
future. We believe the Lord is leading us towards a time of ministry in
French-speaking Europe, based in Switzerland. But we are still trying to
find a clearly open door that we can pursue. So far the Lord has not shown
us the way around the obstacles.
John Dudeck Charlotte, North Carolina
"God is always taking care of the 'ram' part." -- Linda Shaw
(re Abraham's offering of Isaac, Gen. 22:8,13)
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