Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Greetings from Utah

It has been a busy fall here. God is doing some great things with our ministry and we have more new students involved than we have seen for a long time. We would love your prayers for:

A team of students leaving for East Texas to do relief work for Hurricane Rita. Students from all over the country are going and our team leaves Dec 1. Please pray for safety and chances to share the love of Christ as they help victims recover.

Nov 29 and 30 we are bringing a speaker to the campuses of Univ of Utah and Utah State to share about the life of C.S. Lewis. LWith the Narnia movie coming out, we thought there would be alot of interest. Through some contacts (Grace alumni!) I found out about Dr. Jerry Root, a scholar on Lewis from Wheaton College who will be speaking several times. Please pray for open hearts, as many Mormons love Lewis and think he agrees with some of their doctrines (e.g. we can become "gods")

Lastly, on Sept 30th I (Rob) lost my mother too and she is now with Dad in joy and light that I can only imagine. Saying goodbye to both my parents over just two months has been tough. I miss them very much, but appreciate the many cards a letters from my Grace family.

May we all give thanks this week for all of God's mercies and provisions

Rob and Miriam Gunn
Campus Crusade , Utah State Univ

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Nadolski update

It has been an interesting past six months. John and I are settled here in Houston. We have found a good church where we feel at home. Life is full at the Nadolski household.

Answered Prayers
We have seen God providing for us in so many different ways, this reminds us continually of what an awesome God we serve.
John and Phil were supposed to be in Kenya now, but the trip has been delayed.
Marcia had a wonderful birthday and thank you for all the cards, emails and phone calls. I loved it. It’s fun to turn 50. (Remember John turns 50 on Nov. 15th)
Marcia is working again as a substitute, elementary school teacher. She started with a bang. She worked four days last week and is scheduled to work all five days week. We hope that she continues to work most days. Being a teacher will give her time off in the summer to do something else.
Phil is here visiting and patiently waiting to go on the Kenya trip. He has plans to go on three different mission trips this year. The first is a Living Water trip to Kenya with John. Next is to the Philippines (with New Tribes Missions) for about five months, and last, but not least is a trip to Peru with our dear friend Ron. Ron is serving as a mission’s pastor at a church in Colorado and they will be helping a Living Water missionary. We are proud of Phil and pray that God will bless his time and will continue to protect and lead him.
Stephen is living alone in California. He is doing well with school and seems to really be growing into a wonderful Christian adult.
Tim is doing well in St. Louis. He’s enjoying his job and doing well at it. He is also working on remodeling his house and finally he is getting married to a wonderful young lady named Marissa. They set the date of Sept. 9, 2006. We are thrilled.
Living Water is a great organization and they are growing. It’s neat to learn how deeply they trust God for this growth.
Living Water’s office has been swamped with work, especially the accounting department. Therefore, we have not been given the list of who sent support money for us in September and October. We will be sending out the thank you notes as soon as we can and we’ll give another update. In the meantime, thank you, again. We could not be here without your partnership.

Prayer Requests
John and Phil’s trip to Kenya.
When should they leave (Right now, we’re thinking of around 11/22).
For Kenya to have a stop to the unrest and safe elections
For safety for John and Phil on this trip
Phil’s mission’s trips
For his safety when overseas
For his financial and prayer support on these trips
For his spiritual growth thru these times
Stephen to do well in school
Marcia to be a good substitute teacher
To reflect Christ while I’m at the schools
For her as she shares about Living Water with local churches
Living Water International as they change buildings and expand their ministries.

Come Visit
Tim, Marissa, Phil and Steve will be here for Christmas. We are looking forward to seeing the kids again. It will be nice to have the house full for the holidays. We welcome guests and after John returns from Kenya we should be here for a while. Let us know if you have any prayer requests or just want to catch-up on what is happening in your life. Our email is nadolski_jnm@yahoo.com
Our address is: 3123 Frontier Dr., Sugar Land, TX 77479.

We love and miss you all. We pray that God will bless you. Thank you again for being our support system and prayer warriors.

Marcia and John

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

John Dudeck's trip

As you may remember, I took a short trip to Europe October 16 - 27. The trip
went well and was very encouraging. Here are the main things to report.

- The LaClef ministry (www.laclef.org) was the first part of the trip. Four
of us visited three possible churches in southwest France where we might do
an evangelistic musical tour in 2006 (or 2007, depending on finances). We
also met with the pastors of the churches we were involved with in 2004, and
were encouraged to find that the Lord used us in a real way in the planting
of the new church in Carcassonne, which is now established and growing.

- I was able to spend time with our friends Bill and Nancy Henry in Geneva.
They have been there a few months, working with the Geneva Bible Society in
their Bible store. They are going through classic culture shock, and I think
I was able to give them some needed encouragement. They are living and
working in an incredibly historic and beautiful city, and have tremendous

- I met with some people that I am doing a project with to create a web
site (www.promesses.org) that has the archives of a French Bible study
magazine. We were able to make some good progress.

- I met with the Geneva Bible Society to discuss further the possibility of
our working with them in French-speaking Europe. I have a much better
picture of the work that I could possibly do. But we are at an impass over
whether to be based in France or Switzerland. There are significant
obstacles in either scenario. So we are laying it before the Lord and
waiting to see how He moves.

- I stocked up on Swiss chocolate!

Prayer requests.

1. Pray with us for the ministry of La Clef. Our desire is to take a group
of French-speaking Canadian young musicians to France to minister to two
small churches. We want to do this in June 2006. But we have significant
financial needs that must be met within the next six months if we are to do
this in 2006. If not, we will try to plan our next tour for 2007.

2. Pray that the Lord will help La Clef to find a number of solid regular
financial supporters who have a heart for the French-speaking world.

3. Pray with us as a family as we seek to know the Lord's will for our
future. We believe the Lord is leading us towards a time of ministry in
French-speaking Europe, based in Switzerland. But we are still trying to
find a clearly open door that we can pursue. So far the Lord has not shown
us the way around the obstacles.

John Dudeck
jdudeck@zenia.simcsg.sim.org Charlotte, North Carolina
"God is always taking care of the 'ram' part." -- Linda Shaw
(re Abraham's offering of Isaac, Gen. 22:8,13)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Grace, SLO Mission's Blog

Petersons’ Prayer Guide - November 2005

“ I love the Lord because He hears and answers my prayers. Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!” Psalm 116:1-2

* In our Oct. prayer guide, I asked you to join us in prayer for friends of ours working in Indonesia. When I read their report of the dedication event on Oct. 5th, I knew that God had answered these prayers in a powerful way. It literally brought tears of joy! Thanks for praying and supporting a family you don’t even know personally. It made a difference!

* God has helped us make our decisions about the short-term overseas missions opportunities. It doesn’t look like we’ll be taking any of them at this stage. We feel a peace, and are grateful to have had you standing with us as we’ve processed the possibilities.

* Gary’s mission talks to the pre-school and elementary aged kids at our church the past two Sundays seemed to go well. We pray they will result in long-term interest in missions.

* Esther was hired on Oct. 12th. by a small business in town to work 18 hours a week. They sell sterling silver flatware on the Internet and at auctions. Her work involves some writing, photography, receptionist and computer work. So far she seems to be enjoying it. Thanks for praying with us about this!

* My sister Jenny delivered a healthy baby girl on Oct. 14th. Our new niece is Marion Frances Blease (-:

* A very generous financial supporter who saw the note about our recent financial challenges has given us $ to purchase new tires for our car, and to replace our rather elderly computer. This was a big surprise and a huge blessing. Thanks for praying, and thanks, Ken & Susan for your incredible generosity!

* We were safe and suffered no damage to speak of from Hurricane Wilma on Monday.

* Esther had been experiencing dizzy spells since our accident in June. Those have now completely gone. Praise God with us!

Prayer Requests:

* Nov. 3 Gary will be doing workshops on Bible translation at the Hobe Sound Bible College (where he spoke at chapel last month)

* Nov. 10-14 Gary will run a cross cultural camp for the youth (Fri. night – Sat. afternoon) and speak at the youth Sunday School and evening youth program at Berrien Center Bible Church in Berrien, Michigan. They normally get only 6-7 young people turn out to the missions’ conference, but they already have 40 signed up for the camp. The youth pastor and missions committee are VERY excited! Please pray for safety in travel, good health and energy on this busy weekend and that God will do His work in the hearts of the youth and leaders.

Nov. 16th. Gary is sharing at a special Wycliffe chapel service here at the office.

Nov. 20th. Gary is speaking at both morning Kids Church programs at Centro Cristiano Restauracion here in Orlando. He will do the English part and a colleague will be doing the Spanish. There could be anywhere from 50-100 kids per service.

Nov. 22 – Gary’s birthday (:

Nov. 24-27 is the Thanksgiving holiday break. We would like to go somewhere as a family to help with hurricane cleanup during this time. Pray with us that we’d find a good place to go where we can be a blessing. Pray too for safety as we travel and work.

Nov. 24th. Happy Thanksgiving to you in the US!