Esther Peterson is going to Nepal
Hello, friends!
I wanted to let you know about the latest happenings in my life. I am finishing up my third year at Bible College (Trinity College of Florida) and I have one more year to go. I am currently working part time in the Admissions office to help pay for tuition. Last semester I officially changed my major to Christian counseling, after having really enjoyed a few of the counseling classes already. Though I do not see myself becoming a professional counselor, I am certain that learning some counseling skills will help me in whatever ministry God leads me to. This semester I am taking a class called Marriage and Family Communication, and it has continued to increase the desire God has given me to have a Godly, healthy, Biblical family myself and to help others to do the same. Along with counseling classes, I am still taking 54 credits of Bible and theology, so I believe this major will give me well-rounded preparation for ministry.
As part of my requirements for graduation, I must complete two counseling internships. The guidelines for these internships are fairly general, and I have been encouraged to intern in an area that I would like to be involved in after college. Many of you know that I have always enjoyed kids and teenagers, and of course, I love seeing other parts of the world and experiencing other cultures. I also feel a special concern for orphans, and hope to be able to adopt one or more myself one day. Combining these things, I have decided to spend the month of June in Nepal, helping at an orphanage run by some friends of my parents. This will fulfill at least one, possibly both, of my internship requirements, which will also decrease the load for my senior (last) year.
While in Nepal I may be helping out in the school where the orphans attend, assisting with Sunday school, tutoring in English, homework help, and generally being useful wherever I can. Most of all, I will be learning about working with orphans and relating to the people of this very different country. Some of the challenges will be learning some Nepali and trying to communicate with children who do not speak English. This is also a very different part of the world than I have ever been before, so I am sure there will be many challenges in adjusting to the culture. As with all overseas travel, safety and health will also be a concern.
Living expenses should only be a few hundred dollars, but because Nepal is so far away, traveling expenses will be high. I need to raise approximately $3,500 for this trip. If any of you would prayerfully consider helping me with the finances for this trip it would be greatly appreciated! This will be a bigger challenge financially than any trip I have done before (including the six months I spent in Argentina!), but, as always, I know that if God wants me to go, He will supply the means to get there. I would also appreciate all the prayer support I can get for this trip. It will be a great challenge spiritually and emotionally as well. I have learned a lot since my last overseas ministry experience, and I am in desperate need of God’s grace to enable me to put what I have learned into practice.
If anyone would like to contribute financially to this trip, please make a check out to “Esther Peterson” and send it to my parents’ house: 4418 Lake Trudy Dr., St. Cloud, FL 34769. If you would like a tax deductible receipt you can give the money through my church. Make the check out to “Cornerstone Church” with the memo line left blank and mail it to my parents’ address. I will be sending out periodic updates before, during, and after my trip. If anyone has any questions or would like more information, please e-mail me or write me a letter.
In Christ ~ Esther Peterson