Peterson's Prayer Guide - March 2009
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Cor. 9:8 (NIV)
As I type this, Gary & Josiah have just returned from their trip to visit The King’s College in New York. It was a full, but very helpful and informative trip for them, and a good father-son time as well. Believe it or not, I enjoyed having 3 quiet days all on my own! Josiah is feeling the pressure to make a decision about college soon, but needs to pray and process some more before he feels ready. Please continue to pray for him.
Gary & I leave on Saturday (Feb. 28th) for California. We’d be grateful for your prayers while we’re out there: for safe travels, good health during what will be a busy time, good connections with our supporters, family, and any new folk the Lord wants us to meet. Pray for wisdom in what to share in each setting, sensitivity to the Spirit as we interact with people, and that we would be a fragrant aroma of Christ. Please pray too for our kids during our absence. This will be Josiah’s first time to be home alone for a week, and Esther will be doing some travel to come home during her Spring break.
Esther has found a good option for her internship in June, helping friends of ours who work at an orphanage in Kathmandu, Nepal. I (Robyn) spent 3 years there as a child, so I’m really excited that Esther might get to see where I lived. There are many details to work out yet, so please continue to pray that things come together if that is God’s will for her.
Most of you are aware that Australia has been hit with catastrophic fires in the south east, and floods in the north in recent weeks. My family is safe, but they feel the stress of not knowing when fires may threaten them. There are still several fires out of control and more bad weather conditions just ahead. Join us in praying for God’s protection, for the hundreds who have lost loved ones, the thousands who have lost property, and all those trying to help. Our thoughts and prayers are with them many times a day.
Gary’s report: We’ve had lots of visitors to Wycliffe’s Discovery Center in February, some great kids and youth among them. As usual, the month’s schedule changed after we sent it out to you… I received a letter from a 12 year old today saying how much she enjoyed her time with us. She was very excited and has committed to pray daily for the Bibleless People group she adopted in Indonesia. Another class also adopted a people group to pray for until they get the Bible in their language. Wow!
This month we’ve had a lot of help in the kids program from Wycliffe Associate volunteers. These mostly seasonal volunteers, along with several locals have helped fill our staffing needs, and they have done it with great talent, commitment and passion. Most of them are retired teachers so relate well to kids. Half have been here previous years so know our programs. Though none had worked with the older students (the age groups I’m in charge of: middle school – college) and they were terrified of them, many of them have stepped forward to be trained, and they have done a great job. The problem is that most will be gone by the end of March. Pray that the Lord will provide more locals who can help out year round.
Gary’s Schedule
February 28 – March 16th in California for the Mission Conferences at Grace Church, San Luis Obispo and Grace Bible Church, Arroyo Grande.
Pray for the Wycliffe Discovery education team while I’m away. They have a full schedule of groups coming in, including two large groups on March 13th when they have 98 6th graders and 46 adults coming for a Mission Encounter (M.E.) program, and 30 Campus Crusade college students, also for a M.E. program. Pray that they find enough staff, but also pray that those who come would really be challenged and impacted.
18th Mini M.E. for Blue Ridge Bible Church (a youth group from out of state). They are here for their week of Spring Break to do work projects for Wycliffe.
19th A-Z Adventure and M.E. program for Lighthouse Home school Group (40-50 students + adults)
20th Special devotional for Wycliffe Associate volunteers on the center. Pray that I will inspire them and challenge them to take back the vision to their churches as they return home after a few months of volunteering here.
24th M.E. for First Lutheran School (20 students + adults)
25th Teaching on missions at First Baptist of Eustis, Florida. This is a bit of a drive and will be after work, which means I’ll be getting home late. But this church is trying to grow a mission vision, so I’m excited to be a part of it.
26th A-Z Home school group (details still coming)
27th A-Z program for Friends Academy & Living Waters Fellowship (43 students & 9 adults)