Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wycliffe Office Closings

The senior leadership of Wycliffe USA has made the decision to close four of the six remote offices around the U.S. by the end of August, 2008. This month will see the closing of the first of these four offices. We will be traveling to Dallas to help oversee the final details. For the next year, Fred’s responsibility continues to remain the same as he helps each of the managers with the myriad of details required in closing an office. The closing locations and dates are: Dallas, TX (November), Atlanta, GA (February), Temecula, CA (May), and Portland, OR (August). Most of the personnel will continue with their current assignments by working out of their homes. Thank you for praying!

Marilyn continues to enjoy working in Wycliffe’s Children Communication department. She is currently working on several projects including a children’s prayer journal. Another project is learning a software program called InDesign. Please pray for understanding and perseverance.


At 6:07 AM, Blogger Bob Creson said...

I am grateful to Fred for his willingness to help Wycliffe USA coordinate this effort. A difficult decision but one we believe will continue to enable Wycliffe USA to allocate our God-give resources in the most strategic manner possible. We are participating in the greatest acceleration of the pace of Bible translation every witnessed by the Church. The start of the last Bible translation for the last language community is in sight and, God willing, can be started (not completed) by the year 2025.

Bob Creson
Wycliffe Bible Translators USA


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