Answered Prayers from Nadolskis
Thanks so much for your prayers as I worked on the LWI project in Marsabit, Kenya. Here’s a quick summary of the trip. I hit the highlights by spelling out the word MARSABIT.
Many people going without water, pasture, electricity, phone … people going without basic living needs.
Arid –I spent a couple of weeks living in the desert, but the Gabbra people spend a lifetime. I’ve seen these people walk 10, 20, or even 50 kilometers to water. The deserts north of Marsabit are hot, dry, barren, and windy. The last time it rained in the areas was in December so it’s really dry. Also, the wind almost never stops blowing. Please continue to pray for the Gabbra people.
Results – We finished two dams and built pads for three water tanks. All together, the dams and tanks will provide over 2,000,000 gallons of storage. These dams/tanks will fill up once or twice a year, extending the grazing by several months. That’s a pretty good thing.
Sun, Sand, and Snakes. I saw plenty of all of them. The only shade at the work site was under the truck flatbed.
Apples – as well as grapes, strawberries, and other fruit. You can’t get these fruit in Kenya and I sure missed them.
Apples – as well as grapes, strawberries, and other fruit. You can’t get these fruit in Kenya and I sure missed them.
Blessed – I was blessed by the people of Marsabit. Though they had almost nothing, they always shared, even if it was only a meal or some tea.
In Christ and through Christ. This winter, I took a course at the local bible college. One theme that went through the whole semester was our need to do everything ‘in Christ and through Christ.’ (Book of Colossians) This trip help cement the teaching because I really had to rely on God to provide for my daily needs, including food, safety and health. One example is a simple trip to a bank in Nairobi. I needed to exchange some money at the bank and I really was concerned that I would be a target for robbers after walking out of the bank. I tried to get someone to go with me but for many reasons, I walked to the bank by myself. As I was walking, I saw a guy from the guest house at the local gas station, and he volunteered to give me a ride. God had provided this guy as an ‘angel’ to take care of me. In my mind, this was an answer to prayers and it really made me appreciate all the prayers that you lifted up for me.
Tribes. People in Kenya focus on which tribe they belong to. It makes a big difference to these people and they will fight turf battles to protect the rights of their tribes.
The prayer list is just one of the ways I stay connected with all of you. Marcia and I really appreciate your prayers. Again, thanks for your prayers and all of your encouragement.
God bless you, John and Marcia
In Christ and through Christ. This winter, I took a course at the local bible college. One theme that went through the whole semester was our need to do everything ‘in Christ and through Christ.’ (Book of Colossians) This trip help cement the teaching because I really had to rely on God to provide for my daily needs, including food, safety and health. One example is a simple trip to a bank in Nairobi. I needed to exchange some money at the bank and I really was concerned that I would be a target for robbers after walking out of the bank. I tried to get someone to go with me but for many reasons, I walked to the bank by myself. As I was walking, I saw a guy from the guest house at the local gas station, and he volunteered to give me a ride. God had provided this guy as an ‘angel’ to take care of me. In my mind, this was an answer to prayers and it really made me appreciate all the prayers that you lifted up for me.
Tribes. People in Kenya focus on which tribe they belong to. It makes a big difference to these people and they will fight turf battles to protect the rights of their tribes.
The prayer list is just one of the ways I stay connected with all of you. Marcia and I really appreciate your prayers. Again, thanks for your prayers and all of your encouragement.
God bless you, John and Marcia